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Attendance Policy:


In the Bartenders Apprentice classes, good attendance is a base expectation and the responsibility of all students. Students are expected to arrive on time and stay the full duration of the scheduled class. When a student reaches 5 points, he/she will be dropped from the class. Pay Stubs are checked every 5 weeks, you must be working while attending classes.


  • Students will be given 1 point for every absence.


  • If students need to attend a different session, they may attend a different session if space is available.


  • Availability will be on a first-come basis to attend class.


  • Tardiness: If a student arrives late, they will receive .50 a point. If a student shows up later than 15 minutes after the start time, they will not be permitted to stay for class.


  • Leaving early: The class is 3 hours long, if in any situation you need to leave before class ends, you will be given .50 a point.


  • Showing up early: You may not enter the campus 10 minutes before your class starts.


  • Technology: No Cell Phones, Laptops, or Tablets are permitted in class.


  • Sleeping: Students caught sleeping in class will be sent home and given a .50 point.


  • Smoking: If a student is caught smoking on campus, he/she will be immediately dropped from the classes.


  • Disruption of Class: Untimely talking/laughing, Threats of Violence, and Disrespect to others will be cause for removal.


  • Parking: All students must park in parking spaces in the student parking area, extra parking is located behind CALV in the Church parking lot.


  • Security: To help create a safe environment, Security can remove anyone who does not follow the CALV rules.


  • Pay Stubs: Every 5 weeks each student will need to provide a pay stub with name, position, and hours shown.


  • If you register and drop out or get pointed out by the attendance policy, you MUST wait for one class cycle before you can register again.


There will be no switching of classes the final month before finals.

Dress Code Policy:

  • Red Bartender Shirt (Provided at Sign-Ups)

  • Black Slacks (no Rip Jeans, No Leggings).

  • Closed shoes only (No Slippers, No Sandals).

You will not be permitted into class if you do not follow the dress code policy.

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